
土著和土著人民正在蓬勃发展, 有弹性的, 以及对美国社会有贡献的成员, despite centuries-old campaigns to eradicate their existence, 贬低他们的人性, 亵渎他们的传统生活方式. Issues impacting Indigenous and Native Peoples are pivotal in this moment as a wave ripples across the nation to reconcile with its racist and destructive past.

在YouTube上观看录制的视频 or 阅读文字记录.

Indigenous and Native Peoples have been battling these issues for generations that are now taking prominence on the national stage: issues of dignity as the Washington football team finally agrees to end its racist name and mascot featuring Native imagery, and as statues of colonizers and white supremacists fall across the globe.

另一个问题是对俄克拉荷马州主权土地的控制, 最近最高法院对麦克格特案的裁决也支持了这一点, and resistance on the Tohono O'odham Nation as Trump's border wall crosses their sacred, 跨国的领土.

和, 另一个问题是安全, both in the environment as recent court rulings contend that building the Dakota Access Pipeline was illegal -- a victory for Lakota land and water protectors -- and a plague on the very heart of Tribal Nations as hundreds of Indigenous and Native women and girls are murdered or go missing every year, 更有可能是性交易的受害者.

Join our illustrious panel of Indigenous and Native faculty, 积极分子, 艺术家, and scholars as they gather to discuss what many are seeing as a rising Indigenous liberation from centuries of racist U.S. policies and encroachments on sovereignty and human dignity:

克里斯蒂娜Leza (Yoeme /女奇卡诺人),主机
副教授 & 椅子上,

Dwanna L. 麦凯 (Mvskoke)
种族,民族, & 移民研究和土著研究

安娜Tsouhlarakis (吃饭)

Natanya Ann Pulley (吃饭)




克里斯蒂娜Leza will be the moderator and is associate professor and chair of anthropology at 科罗拉多大学. She is a linguistic anthropologist and Yoeme-Chicana activist scholar whose 研究 interests include Indigenous peoples of the Americas, 土著人权利, 话语与身份, 种族和民族话语, 基层民主, 认知人类学, 和美国.S.墨西哥边境. Her publications include "Divided Peoples: Policy, Activism and Indigenous Identities on the U.S.墨西哥边境" and "Hip Hop is Resistance: Indigeneity on the U.S.墨西哥边境." She also serves on the Board of Directors for Citizen's Project, a local nonprofit organization committed to empowering our community to engage in local democracy and to embrace equity and inclusion.


Dwanna L. 麦凯

助理教授Dwanna L. 麦凯

Dwanna L. 麦凯 is a citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and an assistant professor in the programs of 种族,民族, and 移民研究和土著研究 at 科罗拉多大学. 麦凯拥有博士学位.D. in sociology, a graduate certificate in Indigenous studies, an M.S. 社会学学士学位、管理学工商管理硕士学位和管理学学士学位.A. 在政治学中.

Culturally raised within the boundaries of her tribal nation in Oklahoma, 麦凯 understands the definitive disadvantage of growing up in an area steeped in discrimination, and how that manifests in environmental racism and constrained access to basic needs like housing, 医疗保健, 就业机会, and equitable education for Native and Indigenous Peoples. 麦凯试图激励他人去理解, 破坏, 克服这些障碍, 因此是她教学的中心, 研究, 服务, 以及对社会正义的全面承诺的行动主义.

麦凯's 研究 focuses on social inequality and Indigenous identity, 并在众多学术期刊上发表. She has also authored multiple published book chapters, poems, essays, and opinion editorials. 麦凯 was a regular columnist for Indian Country Today for five years, served as the executive producer for the 2017 documentary film, "Force/Resistance: From Standing Rock to Colorado Springs," and has been featured on radio shows like "Calling Native America,“混血电台。,以及明尼苏达州的国家公共广播电台.



安娜Tsouhlarakis 作品包括雕塑、装置、录像和表演. She is interested in challenging and redefining the boundaries of aesthetic and conceptual expectations within Native American art. It is her goal to make work that speaks to and from Natives and create dialogues that utilize unexpected vehicles to help grow the trajectory of Native American art. Tsouhlarakis is of Greek descent and an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation.

Tsouhlarakis获得了B.A. from Dartmouth College with degrees in Native American studies and studio art. She went on to receive her MFA from Yale University with a focus in sculpture. Tsouhlarakis has participated in various art residencies including Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, 在亚, 他是安德鲁? W. Mellon Artist-in-Residence at 科罗拉多大学 for the 2019-20 academic year. Her work has been part of national and international exhibitions at venues such as Rush Arts in New York, 多伦多的安大略美术馆, Art Mur在蒙特利尔报道, 杜克大学的纳什艺术博物馆, 水晶桥博物馆, 当代本土艺术博物馆, 赫德博物馆, and the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian. In 2011, she was a recipient of the Eiteljorg Fellowship for Native American Fine Art. Her recent awards include fellowships from the Harpo Foundation, DC艺术与人文委员会, 以及本土艺术和文化基金会.

Tsouhlarakis currently is an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Natanya Ann Pulley

助理教授Natanya Ann Pulley

Natanya Ann Pulley is a Diné (Kinyaa'áani dóó Táchii'nii) writer of fiction and nonfiction and an assistant professor of English. 她教小说写作, 美国土著作家写的文本, and ethnic American literature with an emphasis in the evolution and de-evolution of narrative and experimental forms. 她的短篇小说集, “牙齿," is the winner of the 2018 Many Voices Project competition and was published by New Rivers Press in 2019. She's published work in numerous journals including Split Lip, The Offing, Waxwing, and As/Us. Her essays have been anthologized in Counternarratives from Women of Color 学者, #不是你的公主:美国土著妇女的声音, 女性写作抵抗, 以及最近的《赌博正规的十大网站》. 《赌博正规的十大网站》的前编辑, she is the founding editor of 科罗拉多大学's literary journal Hairstreak Butterfly Review.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/19/2021