Linnemann Lecture Series

Timothy Linnemann (Class of '91) was a Biology major at 科罗拉多大学, 一个户外运动, environmental activist, 和 a member of the EnAct student group.


During the summer between his junior 和 senior year, 1990, Tim went to San Francisco to take a course in genetics at Berkeley. His younger brother joined him there 和 they took off on a camping trip on the way back to 科罗拉多大学. In southern Nevada, Tim died in a car accident. His friends from 科罗拉多大学 gathered at his home in Cincinnati for his funeral, 和, on returning to school, planned a memorial garden as a quiet study area 和 outdoor classroom between Shove Chapel 和 Olin Hall, dedicated to his memory. Andy Fahlund, Steve Miller 和 Kai Kauppi among others, were instrumental in making this happen.

蒂姆的父母, Calvin 和 Patricia Linnemann, 和 his sister 和 brother, Cathy 和 Mark Linnemann, established the Timothy C. Linnemann Memorial Lecture on the Environment "in memory of Tim's lifelong interest in the environment 和 his love of 科罗拉多大学." This is given each year in conjunction with Earth Week. A dinner is held at the time of the lecture to bring together students 和 faculty who are involved in environmental activities at 科罗拉多大学



List of lecturers who have given the Timothy C. Linnemann Memorial Lecture on the Environment:

一年 演讲者



Meriwether Hardie ‘09


社区, 食物系统, 和 Conservation: Learnings from working with l和 和 people around the globe


Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer

The Honorable Harvest: Indigenous Knowledge For 可持续性


Dr. Ivette美味极了

Agroecology in the American Tropics including both Ecology 和 Social/Environmental Justice


Dr. 戴安娜Liverman

Climate Change 和 Sustainable Development: how can we limit global warming, reduce climate risks, 和 achieve global goals for development?


Dr. 朱利安阿杰曼

Just Sustainabilities: Re-imagining e/quality, living within limits



New Belgium: Brewing up Corporate Social Responsibility for over 25 一年s



伊丽莎白·科尔伯特 The Sixth Extinction


James Balog The Art of Chasing Ice
2014 Dr. 简卢布琴科 National 和 International Policies: What Works 和 What's Broken?


Resurrection: The Elwha River 和 the Past, Present, 和 Future of Restoration in the American West



Economics for the Seventh Generation: The Environment,

Economics 和 Thinking Beyond Empire


Dr. 丹Chiras

The Monkey Trap: Can 人类 Survive



Annie Leonard (Dec. 3, 2009)

Captain Paul Watson (April 22, 2010)




2009 Dr. 罗伯特·布拉德 Environmental Justice For All
2008 Dr. Edith Widder, Director of the Ocean Re搜索 和 Conservation Association Secret Lights in the Sea: The Underwater World of a Deep Sea Explorer
2007 Dr. Timothy Killeen, Director of NCAR The Future of Planet Earth 和 Its
Inhabitants: Our Imperfect Crystal Ball
2006 Dr. Lyn Margulis, University of Massachusetts Our Misnamed Planet: Evolution in this Watery World
2005 Dr. Wes Jackson, President of The L和 Institute The Necessity 和 Possibility of an Agriculture where Nature is the Measure
2004 Dr. Sylvia Earle: "Her Deepness",
Marine biologist, oceanographer
Sustainable Seas: The Vision, The Reality
2003 Dr. David Foreman: Founder of Earth First! 和 Director, The Wildl和s Institute Rewilding North America
2002 Dr. V和ana Shiva: Director, Re搜索 Foundation for Science, Technology 和 Ecology 地球上的民主
2001 Mr. 安德鲁Fahlund: Director American Rivers Restoring our Dammed Rivers
2000 Dr. Marilyn Waring: Professor, Massey University Counting for Something -
Valuing the Environment
1999 Mr. 弗洛伊德E. Domini, former Commissioner Of the BLM, 和 Mr. David Wegner, Director Glen Canyon Institute 排干鲍威尔湖??
1998 Dr. Carolyn Merchant: Professor of
Environmental History 和 哲学
University of California, Berkeley
Environmental History 和
1997 Mr. Ed Marston: Publisher, High Country 新闻 Public L和 和 Natural
1996 Ms. Catherine Sneed: Director, The Garden Project Agro-Economist
1995 Dr. Philip Fearnside: Professor, National Institute for Re搜索 in the Amazon 热带雨林生物
1994 Dr. Helen Caldicott: Founder, Nuclear Policy Re搜索 Institute Physicians for Social Responsibility
1993 Mr. R和y Hayes: President Rainforest Action Network
1992 Ms. 薇诺娜·拉·杜克 Native American Women's Network
1991 Mr. 大卫·菲利普斯 Earth Isl和 Institute


报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/14/2024