Revisions to the Math Major

The Department of 数学 and 计算机科学 has revised the requirements for the mathematics major, 从2024-25年开始.  The revisions incorporate several new classes that will be taught for the first time in 2023-24.  The revised major will be more flexible than the prior requirements, allowing students to focus mainly on pure mathematics, 应用数学, or statistics – or to sample from all of these areas.  

学生 who plan to declare the major during 2023-24 should consult with a faculty member in the department to determine whether the new major or old major requirements are a better fit for their background and interests.

Notes on specific classes

MA120 (Applied Linear Algebra) and MA221 (Advanced Linear Algebra)

MA120 (Applied Linear Algebra) and MA221 (Advanced Linear Algebra) are new courses that will be required for the major. MA221 will have MA120 as a prerequisite.  从2024-25年开始, these two courses will replace MA220 (Linear Algebra) which will no longer be offered. This change should not affect any student that has already declared a major or minor in mathematics. But if you have already taken MA220 (Linear Algebra), please talk to your academic advisor to discuss any potential changes in your plans. 

MA275 (Sequences and Series)

MA275 (Sequences and Series) is a new course that will be a prerequisite for many upper-level courses 从2024-25年开始.  If you have not already taken MA375 (Real Analysis), you should take MA275 as soon as possible.

New Math Major Requirements

Total courses required, assuming no prior credit: 14.

Required Introductory 课程s

  • MA120: Applied Linear Algebra
  • MA125:微积分 & Calculus or MA126: Calculus 1
  • MA129:微积分2

Required Mid-Level 课程s

  • 微积分3
  • MA221: Advanced Linear Algebra
  • MA275: Sequences and Series
  • ONE OF: MA201: Discrete Math, MA237: Statistical Methods 1, or MA251:数论

Required Upper-Level 课程s

  • ONE OF: MA321: Abstract Algebra 1 or MA375:实数分析
  • ONE OF: MA313:概率 or MA315: Ordinary Differential Equations


  • Four one-unit elective courses, at the 200-level or above (not taken as required courses)
  • At most one course can be at the 200 level. The department maintains a list of non-mathematics courses that can substitute for this 200-level elective
  • At least one of these electives must be at the 400-level
  • Independent study course (MA255, MA355, MA455) cannot be used to satisfy this requirement


  • 学生 must complete a senior thesis, which includes taking MA499 and presenting their work in a written thesis as well as a departmental talk or poster.


  • 学生 must fulfill the talk attendance and write-up requirement as described on the 部门网页.


Existing Math courses and their new prerequisites for the 2024-25 academic school year


Prerequisites Beginning in 2024-25

MA110: Mathematical Explorations


MA117: Elem Prob and Stats


MA120: Applied Linear Algebra






MA201: Foundations of Discrete 数学

Any two of: MA117, MA217, MA120, MA125, MA126, MA129 or equivalent



MA217: Intro Probability and Statistics

MA125或MA126. MA117之后没有信用

MA221: Advanced Linear Algebra

MA120 Applied Linear Algebra and one of: MA117, MA217, MA125, MA126, MA129 or equivalent

MA237: Statistical Methods 1

MA217 or (MA117 and either MA125或MA126)


Any two of: MA117, MA217, MA120, MA125, MA126, MA129 or equivalent

MA256: Mathematical Biology

MA120, either MA125或MA126 and 1 college biology course

MA275: Sequences and Series



MA120 and any two of: MA201, MA221, MA251, MA275



MA315: Ordinary Differential Equations


MA321: Abstract Algebra 1



MA120 and either MA201 or MA251


MA204 and MA275 and one of (MA201, MA221 or MA251)



MA408: History of 数学

(数学 321 and 375) or one of these courses and consent of instructor


consent of instructor or 数学375.

MA416: Partial Differential Equations

数学 315 or some experience with ordinary differential equations with consent of instructor

MA417: Mathematical Statistics

MA313 and either MA117 or MA217

MA418: Numerical Analysis

数学 315 or some experience of ordinary differential equations with consent of instructor

MA421: Abstract Algebra 2




报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/27/2024