
现在的名字:cositt Hall
历史名称:弗雷德里克·H. 科斯特纪念馆
地址:906号. 级联大道
建筑师:Maurice B. Biscoe,丹佛
进入层:Cossitt大厅是一个工作建筑. 公众被邀请进入,但我们要求正在进行的活动不要受到干扰.


In 2009 科罗拉多大学 received an award of excellence from the Historic Preservation Alliance of Colorado Springs for its restoration of the Fredrick H. 科斯特纪念馆. The award specifically cites the "historically compatible civil restoration" of Cossitt大厅, 906 N. 级联大街.

对科斯特大厅的改造是一个挑战,因为该建筑几乎一直处于使用状态. Renovation priorities included keeping the historic architecture intact while improving the building's energy efficiency; increasing accessibility; and making effective use of the building's interior spaces.

如今,科斯特大厅设有古典文学和比较文学系, 一个休息室, 三个新的舞蹈工作室/教室, 舞蹈教授办公室, 新更衣室, 舞蹈项目的练习区和休息室.




1914年弗雷德里克·H. 科斯特纪念馆 filled a long-felt need for a building that would provide athletic and social facilities for the men students of the college. 建筑的折衷设计包含了新古典主义和现代主义的元素, while its materials combine the Castle Rock rhyolite found on several of the major historic buildings of the college with concrete components used in many later campus buildings. 康斯特的建成结束了威廉·F·肯尼迪时期的主要发展时期. 斯洛克姆总统, 哪一个校园设施得到了极大的扩展和改善, 招募杰出的教员, 学生人数的增长, 以及对学院全国声誉的认可. 直到1931年push Chapel建成之前,cossit是校园里最后一座建筑.

建成必要的学术和居住建筑后, 在学院提供足够的体育设施的兴趣迅速增长. In 1891, a simple frame structure paid for by student subscription was erected west of Hagerman Hall and utilized by men students and the college sports teams. 1903年,女性第一次有机会进入体育设施, 麦格雷戈大厅在地下室开了一个小体育馆.

By 1909, support for the construction of a men's multi-purpose gymnasium gained momentum in the college community. 《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》(Tiger)学生报纸发表了一篇关于“磨炼”幽灵的社论," students who focused on academics to the exclusion of physical activity and died at an early age. The campus rallied in support of a building where athletes could train and supporters gather to engage in booster and pep activities.

学生们发起游行,号召大家支持修建这样一座建筑, but the campaign relied on the fundraising prowess of President Slocum to gather most of the large sum required. 斯洛克姆说服了他在纽约的远房表亲, 海伦·科西特,茱莉亚音乐学院, 纽约的居民, 捐出全部113美元,000, 前提是之前筹集的资金将用于其他校园项目. 夫人. 茱利亚, 她丈夫的家族和茱莉亚音乐学院有关系, 她要求以她已故父亲的名字命名这座建筑, 弗雷德里克·H. 他在纽约的房地产、保险和银行业都很有名.

学院选择了丹佛建筑师莫里斯B. 比斯科曾为1908年的比米斯大厅做过规划,他来设计这座建筑. 1905年,比斯科从波士顿搬到丹佛,监督丹佛圣. 约翰大教堂,随后在那里开设了自己的办公室, 在迪金森分馆和克莱顿男校等项目上工作, 以及位于科罗拉多斯普林斯的迈伦·斯特拉顿之家的建筑. In 1920, 建筑师回到波士顿,加入了安德鲁斯事务所, 兰图尔和琼斯, 安德鲁斯的继承者, 雅克和兰图尔, 是谁设计了1904年赌博正规的十大网站的帕尔默大厅.

1913年4月,在科斯特大厅的奠基仪式上, 斯洛克姆校长强调了体育运动在大学课程中的重要性:

The gymnasium with its scientific physical training should be a part of the education of every man and woman, 和他的数学一样重要, 英语, 或哲学. 一个和另一个一样重要, 因此,在大学的地位和学分上应该得到同样多的认可 . . . . 这座建筑有着和教堂、演讲厅或图书馆一样神圣的使命.

Cossitt大厅, 1914年6月建成, 包括一个篮球场, 培训室, 储物柜设施, 还有淋浴房. The presence of the new gymnasium with spectator seating stimulated campus interest in basketball, and beginning in 1922 the college teams won Rocky Mountain Conference championships for four consecutive years. An oval stadium ("Cossitt Bowl") projecting from the south end of the building featured tiered seating and was used as an outdoor running track, 竞技场, 动员会地点, 和戏剧. 科斯特大厅也作为一个社交中心或男子俱乐部, 拥有可容纳200人的餐厅, 一个厨房, 非正式聚会和阅读的公共场所, 还有一个供学生开会的大房间. 地下室里有一张台球桌. The college adopted a three-year physical education requirement for graduation after the completion of the facility.

在cossit开业之后, 全是男学生, 包括那些住在兄弟会的人, 被要求在新食堂吃饭吗. The Colorado Springs Gazette viewed the building as a democratizing factor in student life because men of all ranks and classes came together for dinner and social activities in the lounge. 《赌博正规的十大网站》(middle west School Review)在1915年对这座建筑进行了正面评价,并写道:

The work carried on in the Cossitt Memorial thus touches the life of the students at many points. . . . 新生们聚在钢琴旁学习校歌, 新老同学相聚在一起练习大学的欢呼, thus gaining the common touch and viewpoint which goes a long way to make that subtle thing called 'college spirit.'

该学院最初禁止在cossit休息室吸烟和打牌, 促使学生们举行了校园历史上第一次有组织的抗议活动. 为管理大厅而成立的委员会, 由教员组成, 校友, 和学生, 很快就推翻了规则.


当E总统. P. 1876年(卡斯特最后一战的夏天),坦尼接管了刚成立不久的赌博正规的十大网站, 庆祝美国建国一百周年和科罗拉多州成为美国一州), 他的第一个教育举措是雇佣W. D. 把他送到科罗拉多斯普林斯开始古典文学教学.

多年来,科斯特大厅举办了各种各样的活动. 1918年第一次世界大战期间, the more than 500 men assigned to the Army Signal Corps School at the college were quartered in the gymnasium and served meals in the Cossitt dining room. 位于科斯特大厅的茱莉亚音乐厅成为了学院C俱乐部的聚会场所. The group, organized in 1919, brought together men interested and accomplished in athletics. 早在1914年, 毕业班在毕业典礼上表演了欧里庇得斯的《赌博正规的十大网站》, 在20世纪20年代和30年代,经典俱乐部在那里演出了几部戏剧.

In 1941, 科罗拉多大学 President Thurston Davies invited dance artist Hanya Holm to campus to lead a summer dance school. For 43 summers Holm conducted an eight-week course in dance, mostly taught in Cossitt Gymnasium. Former student Claudia Gitelman recalled that the floor "had a mellow patina just right for the bare feet of the dancers. 高高的窗户让白天所需的光线照进来.霍尔姆是土生土长的德国人,1931年来美国之前曾师从玛丽·威格曼(Mary Wigman). She became a leading dance artist and was one of four principal teachers at a summer dance school at Bennington College before starting the Hanya Holm-科罗拉多大学 Summer School of the Dance. 在1950年代和1960年代, 她为《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》(Kiss Me Kate)编舞,“我的淑女。,和百老汇的《赌博正规的十大网站》(Camelot). 在上世纪六七十年代霍尔姆暑期舞蹈学校的鼎盛时期, 据报道,她的课程产生的学费“支撑”了整个暑期项目的剩余时间. 在1965年夏季会议期间, many former students who had attained prominence in dance returned to honor Holm with a week-long series of performances. In 1983, 理由是入学率下降和其他因素, 学院突然终止了霍尔姆与该机构的合作, 这一决定在舞蹈界广受遗憾.

1948年,艺术家埃里克·布兰斯比(Eric Bransby)在科斯特的入口处圆形大厅画了一幅壁画. 《赌博正规的十大网站》描绘的是淘金者, 迁移的定居者, 养牛业, 还有猎人和商人. 出生于奥尔巴尼, 纽约, in 1916, 布兰斯比曾就读于赌博正规的十大网站,并在耶鲁大学任教, 伊利诺伊大学, 西伊利诺伊大学, 以及密苏里大学. Other Colorado Springs area sites with murals executed by Bransby include the Colorado Springs Medical Center, U.S. 空军学院天文馆(后来安装在科罗拉多斯普林斯市机场), 防空司令部总部, 以及科罗拉多斯普林斯先锋博物馆. In 2002, Bransby, then in his eighties, returned to restore his mural in Cossitt's rotunda.

Cossitt's dining room closed in the mid-1950s after completion of Taylor 餐厅 Hall at 比大厅. Cossitt Bowl was demolished in 1957, and Honnen Ice Arena occupied part of the site in 1963. Cossitt大厅 continued to serve as the focal point of the college athletic program until 1970, 埃尔波玛尔体育中心建成的时候. 科斯特大厅一度成为女子体育中心. 今天, the building houses the departments of Drama and Dance and Classics and Comparative Literature. Cossitt大厅 was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1997 in recognition of its historical and architectural significance.



报告问题 - 最后更新: 10/30/2023