教师 and 员工的发展

Department Leadership in 教师 and 员工的发展

(新的终身, 一般的教师, 员工的发展 信息)

New Tenure-Track 教师 Development

The College offers a New 教师 Orientation before the start of the semester. 

The Chair is the point of ongoing contact for new faculty members in a department. 除了, the Chair may wish to assign a departmental mentor to a new faculty member. Some Chairs host receptions for new department faculty early in the fall semester. Information for new faculty is available here but this cannot substitute for the chair's introduction to the department and college.

Some discussion of teaching on the block plan, of departmental policies and expectations, of College resources for re搜索 and development (development blocks, 区分R&D funds, Student-教师 Collaborative grants, etc.), of course evaluations will be useful to new members of the department. Chairs should also discuss basic grade policies and procedures, such as the use of the 'incomplete' grade, the submission of grade by their due dates on Banner, 提供咨询服务, the function of the class waitlist, as well as required course evaluations and classroom observations. It should not be assumed that a new faculty member will discover this information on his or her own. The new faculty member should be introduced to the Crown 教师 Center and encouraged to attend workshops seminars. The Chair should discuss the criteria for tenure with 新的终身 faculty each year, taking as a starting point the information in the 教师手册, Part Two, VII.

Chairs should discuss academic advising with second-year tenure-track faculty, who will be assigned student advisees for the first time. Chairs should review with their second-year tenure-track faculty the all-college requirements, stlic的使用, departmental major requirements and expectations regarding majors advising.

除了 to department efforts toward integrating new faculty into the life of the College, the new faculty member will join the Mentoring Alliance Program 对于正式的指导.

Since the mentors (conveners) are typically not a member of the new faculty's department, the MAP program augments but does not replace mentoring and sharing of information within academic departments and programs. Chairs and new faculty members should find time to discuss these important topics:

  • College policies and procedures
  • Conversations about teaching, service and re搜索 at the College
  • Tips and departmental practices for the block-plan syllabi, course assignments and examinations, 课程评估, giving timely and frequent feedback for students' work, the 'pacing' of the block, student comprehension of course material, other course-related issues
  • Classroom visits to support teaching development
  • Support and advice regarding all additional academic aspects of their first year at the College


General 教师 Development

The Office of the 学院院长 urges chairs to support as far as possible specific faculty member's interests in teaching, 奖学金, 和服务. 例如, there are opportunities for team-teaching and interdisciplinary teaching, participation at professional conferences and workshops, 和服务 on college committees. Chairs should remind departmental colleagues about divisional re搜索 and development funds and other funds supporting 奖学金 and pedagogical innovation.



Conferences, institutes, or workshops may be appropriate for various department staff. 除了, the Dean's Office strongly urges chairs to support a staff assistant's attendance at 科罗拉多大学 Human Resources workshops and seminars.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/05/2024