The # FemStemSymposium

The #FemSTEMSymposium 是由. 海蒂R. 刘易斯博士. 安德里亚Bruder to illustrate how the interdisciplinary study of power and inequity necessitates pedagogical and scholarly collaboration among intellectuals in myriad fields within and outside of the academy, not just those that may be more obviously connected than others. The symposium includes free and open lectures and convergence classes co-taught by 科罗拉多大学 professors across disciplines intended to help audiences better examine the crises of our times, particularly those relevant to the relationships between feminism, 科学, 技术, 工程, 和数学.


事 & Meaning Poster

今年的活动, MATTER AND MEANING: Transdisciplinary Collaboration as Feminist Practice, 是由. Rushaan库马尔, Assistant Professor of Feminist & 性别研究,和博士. 娜塔莉·加高斯内尔导演, Assistant Professor of Physics. “MATTER AND MEANING,” a nod to Meeting the Universe Halfway 博士. 凯伦Barad博士. 戈斯内尔和访问艺术家 Balasubramanian Janani delivering a shared talk based on their 5+ year collaboration across art, 天体物理学, and the spaces between and beyond. They discussed the intentions, 力学, and benefits of sustaining a long-term and rigorous practice of co-creation across disciplines and spoke to how their work activates many of the strategies advocated by scholars in feminist 科学 and 技术 studies. Gosnell and Balasubramanian also presented a talk on their project 的礼物, an immersive installation at the 科罗拉多大学 美术中心.

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This year, the symposium featured Natural Killer cell enthusiast Dr. Bérénice Mbiribindi Nvunabandi, Principal Scientific Re搜索er in Translational Oncology at Genentech and member of the The #BlackInImmuno 董事会. 在获得博士学位后.D. 在感染, 炎症, and Immunity from the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, Dr. Nvunabandi also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Stanford University School of Medicine’s Transplant Immunology Lab.

特别感谢博士. 奥利维亚哈顿, Associate Professor of Molecular Biology at Colorado COllege, for organizing this year’s events.



This year, the symposium featured a webinar, “Race, Racism, & 疫苗”,由Dr. 海蒂R. 刘易斯博士. 作为格罗弗 (生物化学教授 & Chemistry) and facilitated by students in Dr. Lewis' Black Feminist Theory course and Dr. 格罗弗's Biochemistry II course. 黑人女性主义理论, students converse with key Black feminists, 比如钟钩, 帕特里夏·希尔·柯林斯, 罗尔蒂, 爱丽丝·沃克, to discuss Black women’s relationships with Black men, 母亲, work inside and outside of the home, 宗教和精神, 还有其他问题. 生物化学II, students students study how HIV-1 and Coronavirus work and how they cause AIDS and Covid, as well as the ways medicines and vaccines work. They also examine the history of 科学 and the current state of 科学 to understand the differences in outcomes of diseases, 医学的发展, and reasons for skepticism in particular communities.


This year, the symposium featured a talk by 辛西娅Chapple, Founder and Managing Director of 黑人女孩做STEM (bgd), which was 创建d to provide middle school-aged Black girls with opportunities to learn, 创建, and build confidence in their abilities to become STEM professionals while they are still curious and excited to learn new things. Ms. Chapple was also a former student in Dr. 海蒂R. Lewis' after school program, 塔拉吉亚计划, for Black girls at Lafayette Jefferson High School in Lafayette, IN. In addition to giving her talk and leading a convergence class with Dr. 海蒂R. Lewis' Feminist Theory students and Professor Kadari Taylor-Watson’s Black Feminist Theory students, Ms. Chapple conducted a workshop entitled “Bio技术: DNA Extraction” for Black girls at Horizon Middle School in District 49, 其中包括博士. 刘易斯的女儿. Special thanks to Assistant Principal Elizabeth Dalzell-Wagers for her support with co-organizing the workshop.



This year, the symposium featured a talk by Dr. 瑞秋Ivie, Director of the Statistical Re搜索 Center at the American Institute of Physics, 组织和主持 Dr. Kristine朗, Associate Professor of Physics at 科罗拉多大学, and a talk by Dr. Deboleena罗伊, Chair and Associate Professor of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and Associate Professor of Neuro科学 and Behavioral Biology at Emory University, 在很大程度上是由 DeYoung马龙 (女权主义 & 性别研究[j] 南Elpers (Psychology major and Feminist & 性别研究 minor ’20), Co-Chairs of the Feminist Collective (FemCo).

The Inaugural Year, 2017-2018

We kicked off the symposium with a talk by Dr. 萨曼莎Blackmon, Associate Professor of English at Purdue University and Co-Founder of 不是你妈妈的游戏玩家, followed by a talk co-sponsored by the Harold D. 罗达·N. Roberts Memorial Fund Lecture featuring Dr. Talithia威廉姆斯, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Associate Dean for Re搜索 and Experiential Learning at Harvey Mudd College and host of PBS’ NOVA奇迹. We concluded with a screening of 隐藏的数字 followed by a discussion featuring Dr. 刘易斯博士. Bruder, Desirae Martinez(2013年), the first 科罗拉多大学 student to graduate with a major in Mathematics and minor in Feminist & 性别研究.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/26/2023